
When life gives you lemons, you’re supposed to make lemonade of them. You add some sugar for the taste and serve it friendly packaged for the eye. What sounds like a perfect recipe to create something beautiful out of something totally sour, is also the basic approach to life from Ebru. With the difference that her lemons are the patriarchy, queerphobia and the neverending presence of policies that eventually lead to the doom of mankind. Where others shy away and remain silent, Ebru uses all her powers to still create a lemonade out of all that, that tastes so much like change, betterment and progress that it’s nothing less but a pain in the ass of conservative minds, white old dudes and all things yesterday. Humor, charme and skillfully rapped punchlines help her surf on the blind spots of society to ensure that change is heard and seen. One beat at a time. Now, that’s a drink I wanna enjoy. How about you?
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